Ira Keller Fountain - Portland, Oregon
Water is precious. As thoughtful citizens of the world, we're engaged in a dialogue about conservation and climate change. Gardeners especially must reassess aspects of water usage.
Ira's Fountain
Dedicated by Portland to Ira C. Keller - "Strength and Beauty Come From Us - Not From Tyranny"
Columbia River Gorge
Yet the compelling lure of rushing water has a profound effect on our sensibilities.
In nature, we gasp at the beauty of a waterfall.
Multnomah Falls, Oregon

I wrote about the Keller Park fountain in the book, 1001 Gardens You Must See Before You Die.
In Portland - a city of fountains - the Ira Keller fountain reprises, in all its contemporary angularity, the wondrous power of the natural world, encountered an hour or so outside the urban environment.
I wrote about the Keller Park fountain in the book, 1001 Gardens You Must See Before You Die.
Landscape architect Lawrence Halprin designed the spectacular setting: Associate Angela Danadjieva, designer of the interactive water feature, achieved her goal of providing access to water so that people might revel in its sensory pleasures.
Once again I seem to be posing the question:
What is a Garden?
A note: While photographing the fountain, I spoke with a gardener from Portland Parks, and learned about the city's newest fountain; under construction near Burnside at Waterfront Park. More to follow....