Wood Line
[Photo by Monique Deschaines]
Aficionados of Andy Goldsworthy's artworks are legion. All the more reason to make your way to the Presidio of San Francisco, where the artist's newest installation has been created in a grove of eucalyptus. You'll find Wood Line just inside the park's Presidio Gate along Presidio Boulevard. The work represents a project commissioned by the FOR-SITE Foundation, partnering with the Presidio Trust.
Note: The Presidio Habitats exhibition featured on Bay Area Tendrils in April will close Oct. 2nd.
A permanent site-specific work by Goldsworthy is located in the entry courtyard
of the de Young Museum: Drawn Stone
"takes its inspiration from the unique character of California’s tectonic topography. Goldsworthy has created a continuous crack running north from the edge of the Music Concourse roadway in front of the museum, up the main walkway, into the exterior courtyard, and to the main entrance door. Along its path, this crack bisects -- and cleaves in two -- large rough-hewn stone slabs that serve as seating for museum visitors."