Saturday, April 10, 2010

Snowy Egrets! The Gardens of Alcatraz Island

Restoration of the historic Alcatraz Island gardens is ongoing.
The island is reached via a short ferry ride from San Francisco.

On a recent trip to see the lush spring bloom throughout the Gardens of Alcatraz,
I took countless photos that must be sorted and labeled.
Look for an in-depth feature to appear very soon on: Alice's Garden Travel Buzz

One delightful aspect of the tour: An opportunity to peek through the vegetation and see the fluffy feathers of young Snowy Egrets!
Sorry, but it was impossible to get a good photo, as the birds are ensconced in such dense thickets.
As the sign mentions, the egrets are able to find plenty of food in tidepools and at island's edge.

No problem getting close to the seagulls!

Getting there:

To learn more about visiting the gardens:

Click here: Gardens of Alcatraz on Bay Area Tendrils Garden Travel


  1. Alcatraz has such a forbidding sound to it - it's nice to be able to associate it now with lovely flowers and wildlife.

  2. Catmint,
    I must admit that this time around I didn't visit the cells, but the island itself is teeming with life and glorious vistas!

  3. Hello Miss Alice! You always have a way of going to places practically in my backyard and getting me motivated to check them out! Alcatraz could be a great day trip in sunny weather! Thanks for the reminder. How lucky to see glimpses of the egrets through the grass!

  4. I've only seen Alcatraz from a distance, but now will add it to my "must visit" list, next time I am in the San Fransisco area.

  5. Oh, I have to go back! I visited once and did the tour (where you get locked in jail so you see what it's like) but didn't get to see the gardens. Ah. spring goes by too quickly.
