Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alexander the Great! - Little and Lewis Garden Gallery

Little and Lewis Garden Gallery ... gracing the cover of Pacific Horticulture magazine.

Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander'
Here is yet another perennial that I've grown for years, yet it is only coming into flower this summer. I'm aware that 'Alexander' can be invasive in many situations, but in my dry garden setting, with meager hand-watering, it barely survived in the ground.

A couple years ago I lifted and moved him to a large container with a couple other specimens. Here 'Alexander' can get his feet wet: A required condition for good growth. Still, it took time for the plant to settle in, and now, bloom at last!

I've a very nostalgic attachment to this perennial, having been introduced to it in the glorious Bainbridge Island gardens of artist/sculptors/superb plantsmen, Little & Lewis. (Sadly, all my images are 35mm slides that have yet to be digitized, and so can only be shared in garden talks.)

In David and George's incredibly lush landscape, 'Alexander' grew in a pair of handsome urns that 'contained' the plant's exuberance.


  1. Wow, Alice! You weren't kidding! Those spheres look incredible and who can do without a giant Gunnera leaf? They're amazing plants, but can take a ton of space and even more water! Great fantastical imagery for the day to transport me out of the gloomy summer.

  2. Dear Alice, what a wonderful memory to be attached to a place like the L and L garden! I have their book and love everything they have ever made, along with millions of others! We have the red leaf form of this plant, L. ciliata. It is somewhat invasive, but we need that trait in our very dry, at times space. Alexander would be welcome here. I will look for him. :-)

  3. Dear AA I have spent a good many a year ripping the LP out but now you show a pic of a lovely variagated form. I want it and, wierdly, normally shy away from variegate plants.

  4. I'm glad to see your intractable plant finally coming around. With such an intense memory of when you first saw it, it must be a special joy to see it finally bloom. My Pacific Northwest cousin has started a garden blog, and Verdure features a look at Little & Lewis' latest garden, still in progress. Theirs is a striking, mystical and more than a little surreal take on gardens and their plants.

  5. Christine,
    Our gloomy summer weather is in need of a pick-me-up, I fully agree!

    I also love their book, and have been totally blown away each time I visit their garden, and have enjoyed visiting other gardens where their installations are in place. I'm unfamiliar with L. ciliata but a red form sounds striking.

    As one dotty for variegation, I was immediately drawn to 'Alexander.' I do believe you'll like him!

    I saw a mention/link to 'Verdure' on the Little and Lewis Facebook page. I'll pay attention to the site - it sounds fab. Thanks for letting me know about it.
