Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Bad Tempered Gardener: Anne Wareham

A special day.

My review copy of Anne Wareham's new book, The Bad Tempered Gardener arrived and I'm immersed in reading her chronicle of creating the brilliant garden at Veddw, on the Welsh borders.

Anne's unmistakable voice had me in its grip from the Introduction. And after reading one chapter, I'm impressed by the way Anne turns a critical eye on the act of making gardens.
Her insights on design, and advocacy for thinking about gardens as a distinctive art form are qualities I expected from her writing.


  1. What a funny book title--most engaging, and what an amazing photograph! I look forward to the updates.

  2. Thanks, Kate, for stopping by.
    I love the title! and Anne's provocative, perceptive perspective.

  3. Alice i got your "tweet feed" on Anne Wareham this morn. Book sounds interesting
    Thanks Ian

  4. Funny title and great image.

  5. Thank you for recommending a book on gardening - there are never enough of those to read!

  6. Alice, I had a look at Veddw gardens on your Travel Buzz, wow, well worth a visit.
