Monday, October 31, 2011

Wood Line: Land Art by Andy Goldsworthy

I wonder whether many of my blogging friends upload photos from their phones?

This process is new to me, having just acquired an iPhone recently. When I stopped to do a bit of exploring at The Presidio of San FranciscoI made my way to the latest Andy Goldsworthy installation: Wood Line - Perhaps you can get a sense of the connected cut log segments snaking through the opening in the trees. The quality of the photo is nothing like what I have come to expect from my Canon camera.

The image was posted as a Twit Pic: - An app I'm using to stay connected to my Twitter peeps! 

An amazing work by Goldsworthy is permanently on view at the Hess Collection Winery. Click below to see the post:


  1. Dear AA stick to your Canon! I have a very nasty smart phone that I cannot abide. Proper cameras every time.

  2. Catharine,
    The phone camera will only ever be for quick snaps!

  3. There are apps to increase quality, but I have gotten some really good photos with my iPhone. Just keep trying more photos.

  4. Hi Alice, You must be a mind reader. Am going to take up the iPhone for picture taking also since my camera broke. At least I can I can tweet while out and about instead of not at all.
    cheers Ian

  5. I am glad you took the is beautiful! I have always loved paths densely flanked by tall trees...just seems like an outdoor hallway of sorts.

  6. Thanks for your comments. Seems like using or not using a phone is on the minds of many bloggers!
    Meanwhile, if you noticed my signature avatar has become an '!' exclamation point, it's because I've been reconfiguring things.
    Hope to correct that soon. Cheers,
