Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Visions of Venice

Decorative metalwork .. Peggy Guggenheim Museum gateway.

When in Venice .. If  you find yourself yearning to leave the crowds behind, continue strolling along the canal, away from the tourists that gather round St. Mark's ...
... and eventually you'll come to the expansive public parklands - the Giardini at the eastern edge of the city. This green space was quiet during my June sojourn, but I believe the Architecture Biennale is taking place there this Fall.

A favorite meal ~ Misto alla Griglia
Nothing is more exciting for a lover of fine food than happening upon an inviting cafe, especially when the skies have opened to rain down on me.  The small bar/restaurant where I enjoyed this meal was very much off-the-beaten path, a spot I wouldn't have found had I not been searching for a 'secret garden' my B&B host told me about.

Though the garden was locked when I finally located it, the cafe provided a cozy table where we sipped a lovely white wine from the Veneto region, accompanied by the freshly prepared meal of roasted vegetables ~ a highlight of my day.

After leaving Venice to tour Lago di Garda for a week or so, we had returned to Venice to stay in a hotel in the Castello sestiere. [Our initial stay had been at a B&B in the Cannaregio.]

A yearning to get to know a city more intimately always motivates my journeys. As in choosing to walk away from Venice's popular tourist attractions in an attempt to discover the city of the modern-day Venetian. 

Venice is not a city to dash into and out of, in my opinion. It is no longer the city I visited years ago, but it remains a unique destination. A glistening city at twilight; entrancing if you allow a languid approach to exploring its rare wonders. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Veneto Vista - Italian Gardens

One of the hauntingly romantic landscapes visited during my sojourn in Italy's Veneto region:

Villa Arvedi allowed me to experience the hospitality of a contemporary setting that remains true to 
the sophistication and elegance of another era.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Brilliant! San Francisco Tiled Steps

Have you noticed the dearth of posts recently?

Yesterday I spent the entire day working in the garden. It's the time of year when I like to revamp the design; editing plants, cutting back, deadheading, and other such tasks.

Friday I took a day off, going into San Francisco on a cool, foggy summer day - typical weather.
The aim: to hike up the beautifully worked 'Tiled Steps' - a project completed at 16th Avenue & Moraga, Inner Sunset neighborhood. Followed by a tasty lunch at The Liberty Cafe in Bernal Heights.
Check it out!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dreaming of Italy .. Lago di Garda

All the months of planning that go into travel abroad...

and all too soon the trip is over. 
Thankfully, the memories remain vivid in my mind's eye. At times, a flashback will trigger the excitement of a beautiful vista, as when I first glimpsed the magnificent Dolomites towering above Riva del Garda. Or I'll be going about my usual activities, and suddenly the day comes alive with the sensory recollections of a rainy summer day exploring Lake Garda.
The Peggy Guggenheim Collection ... a revelation!
Art lovers swoon over the masterpieces housed in the stunning white palace on Venice's Grand Canal. I found it difficult to pull myself away from this fascinating museum, a setting that resonates with the imagined voices of the artists and literary figures who visited Peggy's famous gatherings.
Reviewing my photos, I'll find a simple vignette brings to mind a treasured experience. Like when I gazed upon a patch of colorful poppies while trekking through the Roman Ruins in the town of Sirmione: One of Lake Garda's most picturesque towns, located on a peninsula that juts into the southern end of the lake.

Just strolling the streets of Bardolino was a joy, taking in the sights and aromas of the lively, bustling community. Bardolino served to anchor our time on Lago di Garda, a perfect base to take ferries that criss-cross the lake, or comfortable bus rides, following the coastline from one fascinating village to another.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Garden Travel .. Venice, Italy

My travels in Italy continue ... 

You're invited to visit & ... 'Like'

To discover beautiful Italian garden destinations visit:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gardone, Italy - André Heller Botanic Garden

An entrancing surprise during my sojourn in Northern Italy:
After an early-morning ferry across Lake Garda from my hotel in Bardolino, on the eastern side, I set my sights on the lovely town of Gardone Riviera
Strolling up the hill from the waterfront, I dodged raindrops in anticipation of my
visit to the André Heller Botanic Garden.
The Keith Haring sculpture is one of the iconic installations among countless artworks in the garden,
set amidst lavish plantings & paths enlivened by ebullient water features.
* Visit Alice's Garden Travel Buzz to

The magnificent Dolomites loom above the town of Riva del Garda,
located at the northern edge of the Lake Garda.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Turning Towards Torcello

One of the great surprises of my Italian sojourn:
Historic Torcello, barely populated, yet at one time, the beating heart of the Veneto.

Some 20 people now occupy this island in the Venetian lagoon where 10,000 or more once thrived. 

Wild meadows and fenced areas under cultivation caught my eye,

along with Ristorante Villa 600, where we stopped to sip an afternoon 'Spritz' in the peaceful gardens.

Ponte del diavolo / Photo: Wikipedia
The ancient bridge found on Torcello is a popular place for tourist shutterbugs to pose.

The only other bridge of its kind in the region is Ponte Chiodo,
leading directly to the door of the Ponte Chiodo Guest House, where I was welcomed upon arrival in Venice.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Buddleia Bliss! Miss Ruby Is A Stunner

Alice's Garden is a rather petite plot. 
Thankfully, I can expand upon the plants I insist upon cultivating by taking advantage of T's community garden.

At times, when a shipment of plants arrives to trial from Proven Winners - Color Choice shrubs, I'll choose to 'install' certain choice cultivars at T's veggie allotment - aka: our community garden plot, located about one mile from our house.

The community gardens are laid out in our town's parkland, where Buddleia 'Miss Ruby' has had plenty of room to flourish. Indeed, she stops folks in their tracks as they're strolling past.

While T. might be weeding or tending to the veggies, and cutting flowers he harvests for bouquets, he'll often hear someone call over the fence by the path, "What is that... a butterfly bush?"  Followed by, "it doesn't look like my buddleia!"

My 'Miss Ruby' butterfly bush is currently covered in long-stemmed blooms that beg to be admired. 

We do our part, dutifully oohing and aahing over the fragrant, deep toned ruby spires that I can't get enough of.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Paradise in Mill Valley: Don Worth Garden

The Garden Conservancy 'Open Days' Program in June of 2012
featured a Marin County garden created by Don Worth.

This magical Mill Valley paradise created by artist/photographer Don Worth was one of the gardens opening to the public, allowing for a rare opportunity to visit a unique West Coast landscape.

 I wrote an in-depth feature on the garden at: 
 Alice's Garden Travel Buzz Drop by to see a photo portfolio of the garden and learn more about Worth's exceptional vision.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Queen of the Bog Garden .. Lovely Lobelia

Magnificent dark-leaved Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' ...

photographed at Portland's South Waterfront Park.

Without a doubt, Portland is one of my favorite U.S. destinations for summertime garden splendor!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wild Lupines .. Catalina State Park

Truly Blue...
Arizona Lupine: Lupinus sparsiflorus 
Catalina State Park

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gardens of Tohono Chul Park, Tucson

My Tucson sojourn took in terrific meals at restaurants like Cafe Poca Cosa and Feast. There were wonderful hikes in sublime desert settings, 
and gardens, of course!
My timing was perfect to catch full bloom on the ornamental, evergreen trees, Sophora (aka Calia) secundiflora, at Tohono Chul Park located on the city's Northwest side on Paseo del Norte.

Common names for the showy beauty in the photo include Mescal bean, not to be confused with the Agave used to make mezcal.  Another moniker you might be familiar with: Mountain laurel. But I like the sound of Sophora secundiflora as it rolls off the tongue.

When I first saw the lavish blooms I thought of the Empress Tree, Paulownia tomentosa, which produces gorgeous purple panicles in Spring. They appear to be unrelated.

You can easily spend hours exploring the Park's demonstration gardens and walking trails, art exhibits and gift shops, sign up for a daily tour, or plan your visit for to coincide with special event or class at Tohono Chul.  The inviting patio of the Tearoom -- a popular spot with locals and garden tourists.  To read more, see the Tohono Chul feature on Alice's Garden Travel Buzz - click at the top of the page on the right.
And stay tuned for more Tucson highlights!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dream Catcher .. Kudos, Kolkwitzia!

Having turned the corner on the 3-year anniversary of Bay Area Tendrils,
I'm reposting one of the loveliest shrubs sent by 'Proven Winners' to trial in my garden.

The company released the plant about 5 years ago.

Finally, the rain returns .. and the garden is a dance floor where juncos strut.

Having been buried in a mountain of tax forms - always anxious to put this yearly task behind me - I await the emergence of some of my favorite spring-bloomers to begin showing signs of life.

I photographed this fairly recent addition to the garden last April. 
Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Dream Catcher' is the aptly named Beauty Bush, a Proven Winners cultivar worth seeking out.

A profuse bloomer, it boasts glowing foliage in filtered shade, and a graceful branching form.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Beschorneria Bloom: An Update

Beschorneria yuccoides
(Note: This is an updated post with the spelling corrected: The plant is not blooming now, but ... it has had pups!  Multiple plant offsets have formed at the base and I'm in the process of detaching a few.)

With each passing day the Beschorneria flowering stalk continues to unfurl.

The weather persists in a strangely cold and wet pattern, despite having entered the Bay Area's dry season. Still, the garden has enjoyed a thorough, natural, watering and that's a good thing!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

San Francisco Flower and Garden Show

Part I - A handful of highlights from the 2012 San Francisco Flower & Garden Show
GardenMob by Saunders Design
featured expansive walls representing "upcycled landfill rescue materials,"
a long rectangular pool and colorful Rhodies.

Below: The PLANit Green garden demonstrated the successful use of recycled 'Urbanite' as a hardscape material, reclaimed wood, recycled glass, and local rock.
Created by the West Valley College Landscape Architecture Student Club and Habitat Horticulture,
the minimal design is set off by a cool color scheme, with planted pillars as focal points,
and a massed planting of Astelia 'Red Gem.' 

An engaging garden on every level of sensory experience, designed by the guru of grasses, John Greenlee.

Today: Saturday March 24th at the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show Gala, this fabulous garden will be raffled off - value $25,000 - to benefit the San Francisco Botanical Garden Society.
To read more, visit... Alice's Garden Travel Buzz

Mariposa Gardening and Design 
Their stonework is always outstanding!
Photos © Alice Joyce

The Darjit garden, with its golden dragon sculpture by Kobi Beck, drew plenty of crowds as show visitors posed for photo opportunities. The material, Darjit utilizes primarily recycled paper together with a mix of china clay, rock powder and cellulose fibre.

An excellent selection of beautiful poster art at the ...
Vintage European Posters booth: 
The company is located in Berkeley on Fourth Street.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Seriously Stormy: Thornless Flowering Quince

Early Spring Bloomers...
My garden boasts new blooming shrubs this Spring, in shades of scarlet and orange.
Photo: Courtesy Proven Winners
The shrubs are thornless varieties of Double Take flowering quince and they're proving to be an excellent addition to Alice's Garden Some time in May last year the plant shipment arrived, sent to me by Proven Winners to trial.  I planted an "Orange Storm' in the enclosed front patio area and another in the main garden outside the french doors at the rear of the house.

The showy, double flowers began opening in early March. Now fully open, stems have many more flower buds forming. As you can see, they look a lot like camellias, though not as large. They are quite a bit bigger and with a more beguiling form than the flowers on species shrubs.
Flowering Quince Double Take 'Orange Storm'  - Chaenomeles 
Photos © Alice Joyce
Double Take 'Scarlet Storm' - Chaenomeles 

One of the'Scarlet Storm' plants has been planted in a rather sequestered spot in my garden. I'm glad to see tall stems emerging as they seek the light. 

'Pink Storm' is planted in T's sunny community garden in our town center, where it receives full sun; more than anywhere here at home. Another is planted at my friend's plot a block away, where I can keep an eye on it. There's been so much rain lately that I haven't had a chance to photograph the pink form, but it's blooming abundantly and clearly thriving at the community garden plot. I'll surely continue to photograph these beauties. I'm smitten!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Garden Art: The Tempo in Tucson

My travels in Tucson yielded much to share when time permits. 
For now, I'll tempt readers with two exceptional streetside vignettes that I photographed just down the street from the centrally located Arizona Inn.

These artworks pointed to the generosity of local home owners. In sharing such creative artworks, they've  enhanced the surroundings for all who pass by. 
I certainly wouldn't have guessed that taking a short stroll in the neighborhood would prove so gratifying. Perhaps you'll agree, the colorful gateway and stunning wall treatment make walking in this area a visual treat.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Arizona Inn .. Gracious Gardens

Stay tuned for features on my travels in Tucson.
Here's a sneak peek of the gardens at the historic property where I stayed for a couple nights: the Arizona Inn.

Forgive the iPhone photo - real photographs and trip details soon to follow!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hot Flash .. One Heavenly Hellebore

Helleborus x sternii  'Hot Flash' .. photographed when the plant first bloomed in Alice's Garden.
Winter-blooming Hellebores are harbingers of spring days that are soon follow in my Northern California sanctuary - a secret garden hidden from the street. Behind the front patio's blue wall, you must walk through the house and out the french doors at the rear before the garden is revealed.
This fancy pants variety, Helleborus 'Hot Flash' is reaching full bloom with March 1st just around the corner. Growing in a prime position in the garden's central bed, the plant would likely be even more robust if the winter rains weren't proving to be practically nonexistent this year. In their place, we've enjoyed a long period of unseasonably warm weather. Broadcasters are predicting rain to return this week. My garden really needs the moisture, so let's cross our fingers....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chateau St. Jean .. Wine Country Reprise

If you plan to tour California Wine Country ...

...a stopover at Chateau St Jean must be on your itinerary.

Read more about the Sonoma setting: